Trampoline Accidents


Many households have a trampoline in their backyard, and in recent years trampoline parks have become increasingly popular. While they can be fun, unfortunately, many trampoline accidents occur every year, with children making up the vast majority of victims injured. Many accidents can be avoided by close supervision; however, some are not so easily preventable. When a trampoline accident occurs, there can be many people responsible. Due to the variety of liable parties, these cases can be complex and confusing. At JDL Law Firm, we will help you navigate this confusing and complex process, and make sure you are justly compensated.


Why JDL?

Trampoline injuries can range in severity, but they can cause long-lasting issues for those who suffer from them. Our compassionate team at JDL Law Firm is here to provide knowledgeable legal counsel for you and your loved ones. We believe that even complex cases such as these should not force victims to remain silent and suffer alone. Let us fight for you, and make sure you are able to recover everything you are entitled to under the law.

What Can I Recover?

Depending upon where the incident occurs, different parties may be responsible for the accident. One of which is the owner of the property that the trampoline is on. They are responsible for taking appropriate measures to protect visitors from injury. They must make sure the trampoline is safe to use by maintaining it and supervising it while in use. If this is not done, they may be liable for any injuries that result from the accident. Participants on trampolines also have a responsibility to act safely and reasonably, meaning that if a user knocks another off of the trampoline, they could be liable for damages. Another liable party may be the manufacturers of the trampoline. They have a duty to ensure their products are safe to use. This means that they must properly label the trampoline, alerting users of potential risks involved when using the product. Defects can occur in the manufacturing process, which can make them liable for accidents.   

As trampoline parks pop up around the state, more people are visiting these facilities. These parks may make visitors sign a liability waiver, which makes parents or participants solely responsible for any injuries. However, in some cases, these waivers are voided, as these facilities should still ensure that their trampolines are safe to use. If a park owner does not properly maintain their facility or fails to provide appropriate safety features – like having secure covers over the springs – then they may be liable for any damages according to law.

If you or your child have been injured in a trampoline accident, contact us at JDL Law Firm so we can ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to under the law. 


Contact JDL Law Firm at 210-997-2929 to explore your options.