Slip and Fall Accidents


In your favorite restaurant, shopping mall, or grocery store, you wouldn’t suspect to sustain an injury. However, slipping and falling can cause major injury, and even have a long-term impact on your life. Many laws, regulations, and codes should prevent you from encountering one of these incidents. However, sometimes establishments and properties disregard these regulations and fail to provide safe conditions for their guests. Many people are often hesitant to pursue legal action as they are unaware of their rights in slip and fall accidents. If you believe that your fall was caused by someone’s negligence, you should contact us at JDL Law Firm to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Many more slip and fall accidents are caused by negligence than most people realize. Some of the most common causes of these accidents include:

  • Lack of proper signage

  • Unsafe or defective flooring

  • Adverse weather conditions

  • Missing or damaged handrails

  • Poorly maintained or uneven sidewalks

  • Unsafe conditions at construction sites

  • Inadequate security

  • Potholes

  • Poor lighting


Why JDL?

When you fall, especially in a public place, your first instinct may be to get up as quickly as possible to avoid embarrassment. In doing so, you may ignore the injury or further injure yourself. The truth is, people rarely just fall for no reason – there is typically a factor of negligence that contributes to the incident. At JDL Law Firm, our understanding team will help you understand what factors may have caused the accident to occur, and what your next steps are to recover what you are entitled to under the law. We do not underestimate the damage a fall can cause and believe that as the victim, you should not have to unjustly pay for recovery caused by someone else’s negligence.

What Can I Recover?

We will help you determine if your accident was caused by someone’s negligence and hold the liable party responsible for your injuries. Don’t suffer alone, let us help you recover what you are owed including:

  • Medical bills

  • Ambulance fees

  • Rehabilitation therapy

  • Lost income and future earning ability

  • Pain and suffering


Contact JDL Law Firm at 210-997-2929 to explore your options.