Product Liability


Every day you use hundreds of products created to make your life more convenient. The manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that their products are safe for consumers to use, however, sometimes these products still break regulations and can cause serious injuries. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a defective product, it may be likely that others have experienced similar issues as well. Your experience can help others, even against large manufacturers and companies. JDL Law Firm can fight for the compensation you deserve in these cases and hold these big businesses accountable for their defective products.

A defective product, even when used correctly, fails to perform its intended purpose, may lack warning labels, or can be unreasonably dangerous for use. Any product from a recalled automotive to a children’s toy can be defective and either directly or indirectly lead to injury or even death.


There are three main categories that defective products can fall into:

  • Defective Design: When the design of a product has not been properly tested before being manufactured, or if the product is faulty.

  • Defective Manufacturing: In the manufacturing process errors can occur, making certain individual units defective.

  • Defective Marketing: Some products may need warning labels or instructions to safely use them, if these are not present the product can be dangerous for the consumer.

Why JDL?

You put your trust in the manufacturers of the products you purchase, expecting to safely be able to use the item you paid for. When this trust is betrayed and injury occurs, these manufacturers must be held accountable. The best way to make sure your voice is heard by those who make the defective product and prevent others from going through a similar experience is with the experienced team at JDL Law Firm. Our team will compassionately listen to your story, research your case, and aggressively fight for everything that you are entitled to under the law.


Contact JDL Law Firm at 210-997-2929 to explore your options.